Monday, April 5, 2010

Working Vacation

I had the chance to work with a beautiful family from Germany once. When I say beautiful I really mean beautiful! Every single one of them had the prettiest blond hair I had ever seen. They were all thin, and dressed impeccably, always. In fact on my way in one day the concierge stopped me and asked how it was doing for my self-esteem to be spending all this time on the beach with such a gorgeous family. So to clarify I don’t mean beautiful metaphorically I mean it very literally.

Anyway sorry I had to make that clear!

While with this family my charge was a 2-year-old boy who happened to speak no English. The week was insane! Between trying to look like I belonged with this family, and understand the needs of this child, my head was constantly spinning!

What is there to complain about really? This family was staying on the club level of the Ritz-Carlton, which as you may know is where to extremely rich stay. The food alone is enough to make you wish for such a lifestyle! I spent everyday playing in the sand, eating at amazing restaurants, and learning a lot about the culture in Germany. From the outside this was a perfect job! However, if you were to have taken a closer look you have would seen that every time that little boy ate it was a huge production. The family (or nanny back home) had it set up to where you had to play with toys with one hand while sneaking food into his mouth with another! It was crazy! That coupled with the language barrier and the long hours made it quite an exhausting week.

I say all this not to complain about this family because along with being beautiful they were actually very nice! I say this because it’s important to realize that your vacation is not your nanny’s vacation. It’s hard work being in charge of children in a different environment than they are used to. Although we love vacationing with you, we may need some scheduled free time, or maybe a few days off after vaca!

Much love


Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring is here!

Vacation season is a here! Weather you go to the beach, lake, theme park or anywhere else, It can be a rough transition. Vacationing is maybe one of the hardest times for nanny/ family communication.

As a nanny it’s very hard to ascertain what the family’s needs are at any given moment, which leaves you continually second guessing yourself. Should I step in? Do they want me to join? Is this part family time? It can be really hard.

I’m sure from the family side it can be equally as hard being that all members of the family are present. Keeping the nanny busy when not needed can be stressful as well.

I have had so much experience with this since I got my professional start as a vacation nanny!

I’m going to try to tell you a few tips and share some cute stories over the next few days.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

The other day I was walking hand in hand with E. She looked up at me and said

“Panda You’re my best friend”

I cried.

I love my job.